In recent years we are witnessing a space revolution fueled by technological innovation and a renewed interest in commercial activities around the near and outer space. Together with the more traditional scientific, exploration and defence endeavours; these initiatives are speeding up the growth in the sector to unprecedented levels not seen since the Space Race.
In this context, innovative mission concepts and new technological solutions are being consolidated. New Space, manned missions, on-orbit services or high altitude pseudo-satellites are some of these emerging paradigms that will define the landscape of space missions in the coming years.
Together with the technical innovations, new challenges emerge. In this presentation we will look into how the new mission concepts redefine the disciplines of systems engineering and RAMS (reliability, availability, maintainability and safety), and how these subjects will be key to ensuring safe and sustainable space operations in the near future. Among other topics we will talk about autonomy, on-board vs. ground operations, robotics, advanced electronics, software-defined systems, and other technical solutions that play a prominent role in the mission concept and system design.
This is a webinar organized by AEIS, the Spain chapter of INCOSE. It will be held in English.

Pablo López Negro
Aerospace engineer specialized in systems engineering, space mission design and operations, avionics and attitude and orbit control system of spacecraft. Participation in commercial missions (Spacebus Neo, telecommunications), institutional (Meteosat Third Generation, Earth observation; ARIEL, space exploration) and research projects (EROSS, which targeted futuristic applications including on-orbit rendez-vous and on-orbit servicing). Since 2022 he took in charge the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Model-Based Safety Analysis (MBSA) activities in Anzen Aerospace Engineering. Anzen Aerospace Engineering is a company specialized in Systems Engineering and Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) for complex systems. The company was founded in 2019 under the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre (ESA-BIC) in Madrid, Spain. Since then, the company has grown and counts today with a large team of system engineers and RAMS specialists providing services worldwide to the main stakeholders in the aerospace industry as well as to prominent suppliers of electronic equipment.