Junta 2024 – 2025
Presidente / President
Presidente electo / President elect
Elena Gallego (THALES)
Director técnico / Technical director
Anabel Fraga (UC3M)
Responsable de eventos y grupos de trabajo / Responsible for events and work groups
Alberto González Fernández (ESA)
Relaciones externas / External relations
Demetrio Zorita (SENER)
Tesorería / Treasury
Anabel Fraga (UC3M)
Secretario / Secretary
Jose M. Fuentes (REUSE)
Relaciones con la Academia / Relations with the Academy
Raquel Salamanca y Alfonso Alcol (ISDEFE)

Representante presidentes anteriores / Former presidents representantative
Cristina Rodriguez (Skydweller)
Representantes de Juntas Salientes
Junta 2021 – 2023

Presidenta / President y Tesorera / Treasurer
Anabel Fraga (UC3M)

Presidente electo / President elect
Luis Andes (INDRA)

Representante de presidentes anteriores / Former presidents representantative
Juan Llorens (UC3M)

Secretario / Secretary
Jose M. Fuentes (REUSE)

Dir. Técnico / Technical director
Demetrio Zorita (SENER)

Dir. Comunicaciones y relaciones con CABs y miembros / Communications and CAB/Member Relations director
Estevao Faria (Skydweller) – Luis Andes (INDRA)

Dir. Eventos / Events director
Cristina Rodriguez (Skydweller)

Dir. Certificaciones / Certifications director
Cristina Saiz Valverde (ISDEFE)